• Illinois Career Information System
    My Plan. My Career. My Future.

    Illinois Career Information System
    My Plan. My Career. My Future.

    Admin Login
    IL Residents
    Sign in with Clever
    Admin Login

    Site Admin and Staff Accounts log in here to create and manage portfolios, reset passwords, design custom career plans, generate reports, and more!

    IL Residents

    Illinois residents can view resources without an account. Logging in as a resident provides access to limited program components and does not allow saving to a portfolio.

    College aged female on laptop computer.

Our Partners

Group of seven students outside smiling.

Your Career Plan Starts Here!

Each stage of the journey is different, and we are here for you every step of the way. Our 6-12, College, and Adult tools support your lifelong career exploration and development.

Create your own individualized career plan using your personal interests and goals. The more you know, the better career and education decisions you can make!

A Lifelong Career Development Tool that Grows with You

Middle school aged student.

IL CIS360 Junior

Middle school exploration of careers, goals, interests, and values

High School aged student.

IL CIS360 High School

High school self-discovery and ownership over career and education plans

College aged student.

IL CIS360 College

Launching careers, exploring goals and interests, and researching options

Adult aged user at computer.

IL CIS360 Job Seeker

Career transitions, employment skills, and exploring career options